Whether it’s a trip she’ll never forget, a service project that will change her community forever, or the opportunity to build a lifetime of memories at camp, USA Girl Scouts Overseas helps make it all happen. When a girl raises funds by participating in Girl Scouts – whether that is through cookies OR through money-earning activities in her troop or community, she is participating as a businesswoman in the largest girl-led business in the world!
Every year Girl Scouts all over the world use their earnings to do amazing things in their communities and beyond. From helping animal shelters and feeding the homeless to raising awareness about bullying and so much more, Girl Scouts can and will do anything.
Goal setting is the first step to making dreams a reality. Here at USAGSO, we want our girls to experience the feeling of accomplishment firsthand. That’s why we’ve come up with The Entrepreneurial Pin Program. Each Girl Scout in any age group can achieve an Entrepreneurial Pin by filling out a goal plan sheet this cookie season. By looking at potential rewards for achieving the desired sales, each girl will set her cookie sales goal for the season. Using the Entrepreneurial Pin Tracking Sheet based on her age group, girls can fill in the goal tracker as the sales are completed.
Because there is more to a goal than simply setting and achieving it, the Entrepreneurial Tracking Sheets also offer help along the way, asking girls to think “What are the steps I can take to achieve this goal?” and providing spaces to create mile markers of small achievements. At the end of the season, if the goals set were achieved, along with pride for hitting their sales target, girls will receive their Entrepreneurial Pin.
Make sure to review the Money Earning Form 4 weeks before your event as well as Entrepreneurship Guide below.