In-person sales: $6 per package of Traditional Cookies: (Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils, Do-si-Dos, Tagalongs, Adventurefuls and Lemon-Ups) means that:
- $1.50* goes directly to the OCMT and troop
- $1.48 goes to pay the baker and distribution agent
- $0.10 goes to recognitions and rewards for the girls
- $2.92 goes to leadership development for girls and adults
In-person sales: $6 per package of Specialty Cookies: (Toffee-tastics + S'mores) means that:
- $1.50* goes directly to the OCMT and troop
- $2.80 goes to pay the baker and distribution agent
- $0.10 goes to recognitions and rewards for the girls
- $1.60 goes to leadership development for girls and adults
Digital Cookie sales: $6 per package of Traditional Cookies: (Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils, Do-si-Dos, Tagalongs, Adventurefuls and Lemon-Ups) means that:
- $1.50* goes directly to the OCMT and troop
- $1.65 goes to pay the baker and credit card transaction fees
- $0.10 goes to recognitions and rewards for the girls
- $2.75 goes to leadership development for girls and adults
Digital Cookie sales: $6 per package of Specialty Cookies: (Toffee-tastics + S’mores) means that:
- $1.50* goes directly to the OCMT and troop
- $2.85 goes to pay the baker and credit card transaction fees
- $0.10 goes to recognitions and rewards for girls
- $1.55 goes to leadership development for girls and adults
Each OCMT decides the split of the OC proceeds amount per box ($1.50) between the OC and the troops. USAGSO recommends that the troops receive the greater portion of the split.
Overseas Management Teams that do not have an OCMT Bank Account are not eligible to receive proceeds from USAGSO at the end of sales. They will receive cookie coupons to use toward Girl Scout merchandise, product and programming in lieu of cash payments. Find out more about the Community Cookie Coupon.
*Communities have the opportunity to earn additional coupons for each box sold. See the Volunteer Manual for more details.