Each USAGSO member who seeks to act as a volunteer in the following categories: troop leader, OCMT member, cookie manager, Overseas Volunteer Partner, or episodic volunteer at any overnight event is required to successfully complete a local criminal background check (through the associated military installation or local government/agency) coordinated by the local Overseas Committee.
Criminal background checks are valid for 3 years and volunteers must complete a new criminal background check every 3 years to continue serving in their volunteer position. OCMT’s must ensure that all volunteers serving in these roles have successfully completed a criminal background check within the last 3 years. If you currently have an active background check and are transferring to USAGSO from a stateside Girl Scout council, please contact overseascustomercare@girlscouts.org.
More information about USAGSO’s Criminal Background Check Policy and Procedures can be found in Volunteer Essentials and on our website.